equity : 375 article(s) correspondant(s)


Le crowdfunding Equity se démocratise et l’on voit doucement apparaître un cadre législatif.
 Le crowdfunding en Equity rappelons-le, permet aux entrepreneurs de lever des fonds auprès de particuliers en échange de parts dans le capital de leur société. Ratifié le…

Best Of

Revue de Web | GMCF | lun. 28 Octobre Top 100 Crowdfunded Companies Crowdfunding is more than just the latest trend — it’s an increasingly effective way to jumpstart a business with much needed cash. For Entrepreneur’s first-ever Top 100 Crowdfunded Companies…


Revue de Web | GMCF | jeu. 24 Octobre SEC Moves Ahead With ‘Crowdfunding’ Proposal Regulator Votes to Propose Rules for Raising Funds From Small Investors Startups and entrepreneurs could soon reach larger numbers of potential investors through investment websites under « crowdfunding »…


Revue de Web | GMCF | mer. 25 Septembre TubeStart Announces Royalty Crowdfunding for Digital Video Content Creators As SEC moves forward with JOBS Act implementation, TubeStart CEO Josef Holm sees opportunities for content creators with equity-based crowdfunding. TubeStart (http://www.tubestart.com), the only…


Revue de Web | GMCF | lun. 23 Septembre Update on the JOBS Act – Title II and Crowdfunding Hi Everyone, As you might have read recently, Title II of the JOBS Act (Jumpstart Our Businesses Startup Act) will go into effect on Monday,…


Revue de Web | GMCF | jeu. 25 Juillet Can Crowdfunding Solve the Startup Capital Gap? No matter what industry it’s in or what product it’s selling, the absolute best way for a startup to obtain the capital it needs to grow…


Revue de Web | GMCF | jeu. 11 Juillet L’essor du financement participatif doit s’accompagner de règles justes Répondant à la crise de 2008, le financement participatif est un espoir rendu possible par l’essor du numérique. Céline Lazorthes (Leetchi, Mangopay) et Alexandre…


Revue de Web | GMCF | mar. 09 Juillet Why crowdfunding hasn’t caught on in Asia The popular fundraising method hasn’t stuck yet. It’s only a matter of time. FORTUNE — The crowdfunding industry made it clear it isn’t going anywhere last…
